8U Division
Players born in 2017 or 2018 are eligible to register and play in this division. To enable player development, this division uses a pitching machine that throws pitches across the plate and batters have five attempts to hit the ball.
Each player is provided with a team shirt, ball cap and ball pants which will be handed out on opening day. Players are required to provide their own glove, jock, bat and batting helmet with chin strap.
To support team communication and coordination of team schedules, each team will be provided with the TeamSnap mobile app.
NEW for 2024: More practices will be scheduled during the first 4 weeks to allow for skill development. Week 1- 2 practices, Week 2 - 1 game (Monday holiday), Week 3-4 - 1 game & 1 practice. Then 2 games per week for the remainder of the season.
Season length: May 12th - July 12, 2025
Game nights: Mon & Wed at 6:15pm and some Saturdays.
Game locations: Fields located in Kitchener and Waterloo.
Mid-Season Tournament: June 6 - 8, 2025
Playoffs: Week of July 7th
Championship day: July 12, 2025 for the top 4 teams
**Note, rainouts could be rescheduled any day based on diamond availability

$290 before Mar 1
$315 after Mar 1
**subject to change
Training and Practices:
Optional practice times are determined by coaches and are typically held on Saturdays.