Coach Application
KW House League Baseball is driven by volunteers. Volunteer coaches are one of the most important parts of a child's baseball experience. All coaches (head or assistant) are required to register by clicking on the Coaching Application Form link above. All coaches must obtain a VULNERABLE SECTOR CHECK.
Coaching Teams
During the application, head coaches are able to identify up to 2 assistant coaches (and their players) to be a part of their coaching team. Coaches listed as assistant coaches must also register here in order to be placed on a coaching team. PLEASE CONFIRM WITH YOUR COACHING TEAM BEFORE REGISTERING AND IDENTIFYING COACHES.
More information:
We recommend you review the Frequently Asked Questions for Coaches to get a better understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a KWHLB coach. Coaches will be notified in Spring about their coaching status and will be provided details of their team.
T-ball - April 22nd 6:30-7:30pm
8U-9U - April 22nd 7:45-8:45pm
10U - 19U - April 23rd 6:30-7:30pm