
The KWHLB Commiteee is made up volunteers from the community including members of both the Kitchener Minor Baseball Association (KMBA) and Waterloo Minor Baseball Association (WMBA) boards.  Each committee member takes on a variety of tasks, based on their skills and experience to ensure the success of the league.


Lori Lewis,

Kim Taylor,

Committee Chair

Tammy Cumming, WMBA VP House League

Will Frost, KMBA Director House League

Committee Members

Jeff Avis, KWHLB Convenor, KMBA Board of Directors

Joel Cumming, Technology Lead, Convenor

Bill Falagitis, KWHLB Equipment Manager

Carli Frost, KWHLB Convenor, Social Media

Will Frost, KWHLB Convenor

Brady Hall, President, WMBA

Rob MacLachlan, KWHLB Committee Member

Ken Schilling,  KWHLB Equipment Manager. KMBA Director

James Stuart, President, KMBA

Amy Strauss, WMBA Director of Select, KWHLB Convenor

Keith Thompson, KWHLB Committee Member

Jordan Thompson, KWHLB  Convenor


Each year 9-10 committed convenors support our volunteer coaches and the committee to implement a successful season.

Want to volunteer?

If you are interested in a volunteer role on the commitee and/or convening a division, please contact
